Associated Research Centers at Goethe University
Following research facilities and centers of the Goethe University are indepently managed and associated to Go4Tec.
(Brain Imaging Center)
The Brain Imaging Center (BIC) is a research center operated by the Goethe University, Frankfurt, and based on a scientific cooperation of the Goethe University, the Max Planck Society and the Ernst Strüngmann Institute. It is dedicated to the investigation of the structure and function of the human brain.
The BIC hosts two 3 Tesla MR scanners and a 275-Channel MEG System, including additional equipment for stimulus presentation and recording of physiological responses.
Two methodological research groups, the "MR Core Structure" and the "MEG Core Structure", promote the creation of novel data acquisition and analysis techniques and support BIC researchers with their respective projects.
(Interdisciplinary Biobank and Database Frankfurt)
The Interdisciplinary Biobank and Database Frankfurt (iBDF) organizes the quality-assured and privacy-compliant collection and storage of different biomaterials and distributes these to positively evaluated research projects. Therefore, the iBDF represents a key component at the interface between basic, translational and clinical research.
(Center for Biomolecular Magnetic Resonance)
The BMRZ is a research infrastructure facility for high-end nuclear (NMR) and electron magnetic resonance spectroscopy (EPR). It is financially supported by the state of Hesse. The center is one of the European Large Scale Facilities for Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy. The research is dedicated to the elucidation of structure and functional mechanism of biomolecules ranging from RNA and RNA-protein complexes via large soluble protein complexes to membrane proteins