Microscopes in FCEM

Following large scale equipment is available:

Thermo Scientific TITAN Krios G4 TEM

The Thermo Scientific Titan Krios TEM is ideally equipped for structural biology projects and highly frequented for cryogenic electron tomography (cryo-ET) and cryogenic electron microscopy single particle analysis (cryo-EM SPA).

Description + Tech. Specs. icon

It allows state-of-the-art high resolution EM single particle analysis and tomography analysis.

Equipped with

  • a 300 kV FEG electron source
  • an imaging filter (Gatan)
  • a direct electron detector (K2 Summit, Gatan)
  • automatic loading and refilling systems.

Thermo Scientific Glacios Cryo-TEM

The Thermo Scientific Glacios Cryo-TEM is ideally equipped for single particle electron microscopy in structural biology.

Description + Tech. Specs. icon

It allows state-of-the-art high resolution EM single particle analysis with high imagaging capacity due to low impact of ice formation on the cryo stages.


  • High-brightness field emission gun (X-FEG) or Low Energy Spread cold FEG (E-CFEG)
  • Cryo-Autoloader for automated and contamination-free loading of cassettes containing up to 12 Autogrids
  • Accelerating voltage range of 80 to 200 kV
  • Point resolution: 0.21 nm
  • Computerized 4-axis specimen stage with ±70° alpha tilt
  • Specimen holder: Single tilt

Thermo Scientific Talos F200X G2

The Thermo Scientific Talos F200X G2 is a TEM microscope for high resolution TEM and STEM with accurate chemical quantification.

Description + Tech. Specs. icon

All daily TEM tunings, such as focus, eucentric height, beam shift, condenser aperture, beam tilt pivot points and rotation center are automated, ensuring you always start from optimum imaging conditions. Experiments can be repeated reproducibly, allowing you to focus on your research rather than on instrument operation.

Acquire high-quality TEM or STEM images with the innovative and intuitive Velox Software user interface. Unique EDS absorption correction in Velox Software enables highly accurate quantification.


  • HRTEM line resolution: ≤0.10 nm
  • STEM resolution: ≤0.16 nm (X-FEG)
  • Accelerating voltage: 200 kV
  • Super-X EDS system: 4 SDD symmetric design, windowless, shutter-protected
  • Electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS) energy resolution:  ≤0.8 eV (X-FEG)
  • Specimen holder: double tilt

Phillips 12 TEM

The Phillips CM12 is a high quality routine TEM microscope, mainly used for screeing of samples.

Description + Tech. Specs. icon

It allows imaging of classical thin sections of all type of tissues, negative staining (e.g. testing for suitability of samples for higher resolution work), nanoparticle quality control and for environmental samples.


  • LaB6 source
  • Accelerating voltage range of 20 to 120 kV
  • Magnifications up to 700,000x
  • Point resolution: 0.34 nm; Line resolution: 0.2 nm
  • Maximum specimen tilt: 70°
  • Drift rate: <1 nm / min.
  • Specimen holder: Single tilt

Thermo Scientific Helios FIB/SEM

The Helios FIB/SEM is heavily used for cryo-ET sample preparation.  Most setups are focused on preparing biological samples for electron tomography.

Description + Tech. Specs. icon

Combined dual beam focused ion and electron beam scanning electron microscope. Equipped with SE and BSE detectors. The software "Slice and View"  allows visualization of large volumes in an automated fashion. Heavily used mainly by cellular biology groups.


  • To Be added...
  • XXX

FEI Nova 600 FIB/SEM

The NOVA 600 FIB/SEM is mostly used for direct writing of inorganic materials by FEBID/FIBID.  For these purposes, pattern generators are available to prepare in plane nanodeposits as well as 3D stuctures with nanoscale features.

Description + Tech. Specs. icon

Combined dual beam focused ion and electron beam scanning electron microscope. Equipped with SE detector. The microscope is heavily used for focused electon/ion beam induced deposition (FEBID/FIBID).  For these purposes commercial as well as home-build precursor injection systems are available.


  • To Be added...
  • Pattern generator for direct writing
  • Ga ion source
  • different injectors available for  various precursors
  • in situ electrical characterisation of deposits